Charlie Sheen vs. Chuck Norris

With the recent revelation that Charlie Sheen has tiger's blood, fire-breathing fists, and is "an F-18 bro, and [I] will destroy you in the air", the topic must be addressed: would Charlie Sheen be a worthy opponent of the almighty Chuck Norris?

Friday, March 04, 2011


"Ready for my next fastball, world?" Charlie Sheen wrote on Twitter. "PLAN BETTER Applies to everything where an excuse now sits. Try it. U won't be wrong. Ever."

That, my friends, is knowledge that you just can't get at college. And you got it for free, from Charlie Sheen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear know the rest. Makes me wonder if a man is so deluded, so intoxicated that he can't feel the fists pummelled on him, can he really be beaten?

Who would win in a no-holds-barred fight?