Charlie Sheen vs. Chuck Norris

With the recent revelation that Charlie Sheen has tiger's blood, fire-breathing fists, and is "an F-18 bro, and [I] will destroy you in the air", the topic must be addressed: would Charlie Sheen be a worthy opponent of the almighty Chuck Norris?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Fighting a Warlock

Charlie Sheen has revealed that "Defeat is not an option; they picked a fight with a WARLOCK!"

Not just any warlock. VATICAN ASSASSIN WARLOCKS:

"Guys, it's right there in the thing, duh! We work for the Pope, we murder people. We're Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be? What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes."

In all of the Chuck Norris-isms I've heard, I've never heard anything about Chuck being able to defeat a warlock. I'm not saying he can't, I'm just sayin'.

And who are these gnarly gnarlingtons? Has Chuck Norris ever faced such a beast, and if so, what was the outcome?

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Who would win in a no-holds-barred fight?